Friday, January 30, 2015

20 Time blog

1. My project is making healthy foods that don't taste healthy.

2. My goals for 20 Time project is looking up and finding recipes that I can make healthy but still taste like they are unhealthy. The skills that I want to develop are learning how to cook healthy meals and learning to change a recipe and make it healthy,

3. One obstacle is substituting the bad ingredients in a recipe for something healthy but making the taste stay the same. I did research on ingredients that I could substitute them for, and that's how i overcame the obstacle.

4.The final project that I want to make and present to the class is homemade mac n cheese.

Grosse Point blog #1

1.  The 20 Time project that I read about was Olivia D's "Get baked" project

2. The progress that Olivia is making is she has created a total of 6 new foods since I first looked at her blog.

3. One of the problems that she faced was not reading the instructions carefully and having to remake the gingerbread houses over again.

4. Their 20 Time project compares to my interest because my 20 Time project is cooking healthy foods that don't taste healthy so it's similar. I am making foods like Olivia is and I enjoy looking up recipes.

Monday, January 26, 2015

iPhone vs. Android

My results were that more people preferred iPhone's over Androids. I think that more people picked iPhone's over Androids because the iPhone is the easiest smartphone to use and its also more popular than Android phones; you see more people with iPhone's than you do with Androids. I think that more and more people will switch to the iPhone in the future just because they keep expanding the phone and making newer models all the time,